Responsible Extraction and Processing of Titanium and other Primary Raw Materials for Sourcing EU Industrial Value Chains and Strategic Sectors

and other Primary Raw Materials


The value chain of Titanium powders is a long path from product design to…   


Offer a sustainable and energy efficient solution for responsible extraction and processing of Titanium together with other Primary Raw Materials from strategic partner country Ukraine to supply EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors with a net zero-waste approach 


Innovative technologies for sustainable and decarbonised extraction in terms of industrial viability, safety and environmental impacts 

Develop and demonstrate

the extraction and processing technologies to facilitate exploitation of the primary raw critical raw materials to strengthen the EU supply chains 


raw materials for EU users in collaboration with EU strategic partner countries 


sustainability and versatility in extraction and processing of Titanium towards zero waste and low carbon economy models by means of clustering activities with other projects and initiatives


the functionality of developed materials, processes, and equipment for 4 specific industrial applications in terms of resource and energy consumption and CO2 footprint


a Circular Business Model (CBM) and an exploitation plan

The REPTiS expected results and impacts are